
Almond stuffed olives deliver a light nutty flavor with a firm crunch and slightly sweet aftertaste. Taste it with a pre-dinner aperitif!


Stuffed with whole cloves of garlic, these olives are strong in flavor and they are perfect as a snack and in salads.


Filled with bright red pimento peppers which  provide a balanced sweet, tangy flavour. Ideal for martini gasnish!


Stuffed with a touch of lemon to provide a subtle tartness to the olives, enriching the olive taste. An ideal garnish to an incalculable number of beverages.
Olive filling
At Siouras SA we aim at evolution and pioneering. Based on your service and investing in modern technological systems, we have added extra flavor to our olives by offering a wide range of fillings such as chili peppers, red pepper, garlic, almond, lemon, orange and cheese.